The most popular methods of controlling bush encroachment mechanically, are chopping, slashing, ring barking and felling.
The stumps are then treated immediately with a chemical weed killer.
Chemical control
Herbicides can be used effectively to control a range of problem plants. When using an herbicide, it is vital to follow the instructions on the label strictly regarding the application, correct methods of application, safe and proper use and storage of the product.
Using the services of a specialist
Often landowners try to save money by using their limited knowledge to work out their own weed control programs and bush encroachment controls methods. Only to find out later that there are more appropriate programs which would have saved them plenty of money in the long term.
When working out a proper weed control program, one must remember that weed control is not a once off, quick fix situation. You have to find the methods which will give you the best results over a longer period, with the least financial cost.
Weed control and bush encroachment programs can be very expensive and very labour intensive, especially when done incorrectly. It is therefore crucial to use the knowledge and experience of a specialist weed controller. Doing this can save you plenty of labour, time and money over a longer period.
To find out more about our specialised services, visit Specialised Services